It was a great show, it was a movie not just for kids but for everyone who loves kids. The narration of the movie has been wonderfully crafted. Full credit goes to Amir Khan and co. No doubt this movie will be liked by one and all.
The first half of the movie shows how a boy (Ishaan) can be cornered from the society for no mistake of his. The feeling of such a rejected boy are depicted very well. Second half shows the recovery of the lost boy and how Amir helps this boy in that cause. I could catch glimpse of my own story, and it would be the same for others too.
The movie can be viewed from more than one prospective. From a parent’s prospective it shows how we can some times put our kids under pressure and make them looser. From a teachers view, not always the same kind of teaching works out. We as teachers must have different ways to help the students solve their problems.
Although the music does not seem to be very catchy, but it goes along the movie so well, and its been part of the story narration. The song that comes after the Ishaan was dropped to the hostel revels the feeling a child undergoes when he departs from his mother. A feeling that could never be expressed. The line “Kya itna bura hoon main ma” almost set me to tears. There were many such lines for which a knot tightened right inside my throat.

Totally agree with you..
It's one of those movies that imbibe in you for years to come. Aamir Khan does a great balance act. It's an earnest film and an overwhelming experience.
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